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Our Team
Welcome to Pioneer Virtual Reality! Our team of professionals have been working in the VR space for a number of years and are experts in running memorable and engaging virtual reality events. With our experience and skills, we're excited to start bringing the power of virtual reality to NYC. Join us and experience the future of entertainment today!
Christopher Fonte is the founder of Pioneer VR and a passionate virtual reality enthusiast. He started Pioneer VR in 2017 to make virtual reality events more accessible. Since then, Christopher has organized a range of virtual events and brought the virtual world to life for many. Christopher is now working with a team of professionals to create custom virtual reality events in the NYC area. He is looking forward to continuing to push the boundaries of virtual reality in the future.

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Christopher Fonte

Brian Colon is the founder of Zero Trace Operative, the in-house development studio at Pioneer VR. With over a decade of experience in game development, Brian brings a wealth of knowledge and creativity to the team. His games have been featured on popular YouTube gaming channels such as Markiplier, and his experiences have been enjoyed by thousands of players around the world. Brian is passionate about creating immersive, interactive virtual reality experiences that will transport users to new worlds. He is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of game design and technology to create the ultimate virtual reality experience.

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Brian Colon

In 2017 Pioneer VR was created to solve a problem. People loved to experience virtual reality; the experiences that were merely being dreamt of 10 or 20 years ago existed here, now. But only to some. There was a lack of accessibility to the VR experience. In order to bridge the gap, founder Chris Fonte created Pioneer VR to provide the experience of Virtual Reality at events with friends, colleagues, for presentations, or merely for fun! Tons of virtual reality experiences made by competent developers are popping up all over the world, and deserve to be shared. Pioneer VR acts as the bridge between these developers and audiences throughout the Pioneer Valley and beyond.
Our Mission
To make virtual reality accessible to all
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